May 25, 2022
Creating the perfect website for your business is always the top priority when having a business.
Your website is one of the main hub spots for your customers and clients that are purchasing products or booking you for appointments. It tells everything about who you are and what your business is about.
Really your website should be selling for you.
Here’s some things you should include when creating a good website.
Design and Functionality
Your website is a reflection of your business/brand. It should be visually appealing and easy to navigate. Allow enough spacing between each section as well as always use high quality graphics and photographs that will catch the viewers eye.
The website should also be able to work fast and all connections should be connected correctly. Every page should be functional and accessible because you only have one chance to impress your potential clients and that one chance could be your website.
Site visitors are quick lookers. They don’t want to waste time trying to find what they are looking for. If it’s not in front of them or can be explained in an easy manner they are more than likely going to leave the site.
User Experience is a key role because you want the use to stay and know your website. To keep it simple for your viewers create a clear navigation bar, use consistent layouts throughout the whole website and have visual signs across the site.
Your site should satisfy both the searchers and the browsers. Your websites job is to help them fulfill their search goals.
Optimized for All Digital Platforms
After designing the perfect layout of your website you should look and see if it is adaptable to all mobile platforms.
If a client searches your website and buttons don’t connect or the pages are scrambled because they aren’t compliant to their mobil platform, it comes back on your business and doesn’t give a good look for it.
If the web builder that you are on isn’t adaptable to all mobile platforms, we highly recommend you switching to a different provider.
Quality and Up to Date Content
When it comes to your website you are going to be wanting to update as much as possible with the latest products, new blog posts, what’s hot, coming soon, etc. When posting though you are wanting to use language that your audience will understand. Why? You might ask. Well as a reminder, your visitors are quick viewers. They skim and view (what they think) are the most important parts of your website. Looking for keywords. Keeping up with all of the blogs and social media and new products can be a bit tasking but worth every bit of time.
Accessible Contact Information and Location
Your viewers and possible new clients aren’t going to go on a man hunt to find you. Make finding your location and contact information as easy as possible. Put it on your website as many places as possible (without making it too overbearing). Some key places to put your information are…
Contact Page
Pop Up
Clear Call to Actions
If your site doesn’t initialize the first contact with the customer they surely won’t be interacting with you. Ask yourself what the purpose of your website is. Are the sites inviting to share? Is it having you follow your social media platforms? Are you giving discounts if you make your first purchase? Are you having them join a mailing list/newsletter? Include at least one of these on each page.
Optimized for Search and Social
Your website may look nice and easy to use but it needs traffic in order to get you anywhere. Otherwise, you wasted all your time and effort into the design.
How do I get traffic then? Great question. There’s thousands of ways for effective SEO (Search Engine Optimization) but to list a few to start with:
Use Page Titles and Meta Tags on each page you make. As well as Alt Tags on every image you put on.
Optimize the content with the words people search for.
Use keywords that align with the content and links used.
Your goal is to make your visitors share your content. Posting on social media can drive a great volume of traffic to your website and rank you higher on the search ranking.
These basic tips on a great website can be done by anyone. If you are wanting to learn more contact us. Little Big Promotions is ready to help educate you on how important building your website is.