Little Big Promotions officially started in 2021but the idea came to in 2020 during COVID-19. Really we have COVID to thank for the start of Little Big.
As the two founders, Ben and Tessa, of Little Big Promotions were working on marketing and building a couple of other businesses the realization came to both about how expensive it was to start a business and how truly confusing it was on where to start.
They started scheming a plan on how to simplify starting and running a business which led to how to market and build your business for less.
As more and more parts came to, they realized what they had was a business that was much needed in the market especially since COVID had taken a toll for the worst.
As processes were made, and pricing and services were finalized all was left was to think of a name for the company. Ben and Tessa tried everything but nothing seemed to stick.
Finally, as Tessa was sitting next to Ben talking about height difference the name came too. Little Big. Tessa being 5 foot 2 inches and Ben being 6 foot 3 inches it was just ironic. And one of their end goals was for the business to service (little) start up businesses as well as (big) corporate businesses.
It was then that everything fell into place. The logo, website, social platforms were all created and it was then that they had realized it was time to get to work and see if what they thought out was truly going to work.
As one client led to another and trial and error happened. All their kinks were fixed and has had continual growth with the company. And as for the founders, they couldn't be happier with the progress that is being made for Little Big Promotions. They are grateful for their current clients and are excited to see where 2023 takes the business.